Headlight size is a pretty significant specification when it comes to your car. After all, they are what help you see in the dark and make your car visible to other drivers. So, which size should you go for? 3457 or 3157?
The answer, unfortunately, is not a simple one. It depends on a few factors, such as the make and model of your car, your personal preferences, and even the laws in your state. Let’s take a closer look at each option to help you make a decision.
Are 3157 and 3457 bulbs interchangeable?
3057/3157/3457 are all the same size and shape. It’s just wattages of the filaments that vary for different applications.
The 3157 has two filaments. One is for the brake light/turn signal (21watts) and the other is for the tail light (5 watts). The 3457 has only one filament (30watts) used for both functions. So if your car came with a 3157 bulb from the factory, you can use either a 3157 or a 3457 in its place. If your car came with a 3457 bulb from the factory, you can only use a 3457 in its place.
While 3157 and 3457 bulbs are interchangeable, there are some key differences between them. The most important difference is that 3457 bulbs have only one filament, while 3157 bulbs have two. This means that if your car came with a 3457 bulb from the factory, you can only use a 3457 in its place. If your car came with a 3157 bulb from the factory, you can use either a 3157 or a 3457 in its place.
The other key difference between these bulbs is their wattage. 3457 bulbs have a higher wattage than 3157 bulbs, which means they are slightly brighter. However, this difference is not significant enough to warrant changing out your bulbs unless you are looking for a very slight increase in brightness.
So, overall, 3457 and 3157 bulbs are interchangeable. The main difference between them is that 3457 bulbs have only one filament, while 3157 bulbs have two. However, the wattage difference between these bulbs is not significant enough to warrant changing out your bulbs unless you are looking for a very slight increase in brightness.
What bulb can I use instead of 3157?
You may use the 3057 bulbs instead of the 3157 bulbs. Both of these bulbs have wedge D.F mounting and C-6 dual filament that fits in the same holder. Moreover, you can use this bulb to back up a light bulb, brake light bulb, or parking light bulb. This makes it easier for you since you don’t need to keep different types of bulbs for each function.
The 3057 has two filaments just like the 3157. One is for the brake light/turn signal (21watts) and the other is for the tail light (5 watts). The only difference between these two bulbs is that the 3157 has a higher wattage than the 3057. This means that the 3157 will be slightly brighter than the 3057. However, this difference is not significant enough to warrant changing out your bulbs unless you are looking for a very slight increase in brightness.
Are 3357 bulbs the same as 3157?
They are interchangeable but you’re better off with a 3157. The 3357 has only one filament (30watts) used for both functions. So if your car came with a 3157 bulb from the factory, you can use either a 3157 or a 3457 in its place. If your car came with a 3457 bulb from the factory, you can only use a 3457 in its place.
So, for instance, when comparing 3457 and 3357 bulbs, the 3457 is better because:
- It has a separate filament for each function (brake light and turn signal)
- The filaments are staggered so that one is always on (unlike the 3157 which has both filaments on at the same time)
- The total power output is higher (45 watts vs 30 watts)
All things being equal, it’s always best to use the bulb that came with your car. But if you need to replace a 3457 with a 3157, or vice versa, they are interchangeable.
Are 3156 and 3157 LED bulbs the same?
Yes! The 3157 LED bulb is the dual filament option for the 3156 LED bulb. You can easily use a 3157 bulb with a 3156 socket.
56 bulb and 3157 bulbs are used as the tail lights of many modern vehicles, including Fords, Chevrolets, VWs, Acuras, Toyotas, and many more. You can choose from several brightness levels to suit your vehicle! For example, if you have bought a kit of 3157 LED bulbs for your vehicle, you may want to consider getting a set of 3156 LED bulbs as well. These are the same shape and size, but with a different base.
3157 and 3156 bulbs look the same from the outside, but they have different bases. The 3157 has a P27/7W base, while the 3156 has a WEDGELOCK base. Both of these bulbs can be used in place of each other, but it is best to use the bulb that came with your car.
What is the brightest 3157 bulb?
The brightest 3157 bulb on the market is the Philips X-tremeVision. It has a lumen output of up to 1500 lumens, making it one of the brightest options available.
If you’re looking for a slightly less bright option, the Philips Standard LED is a good choice. It has an output of up to 1350 lumens. And in case you need less bright bulbs, the Philips LongerLife LED and Philips EcoVision are both good choices. They have outputs of up to 1100 and 1000 lumens, respectively.
What is the brightest 3457 bulb?
In fact, when it comes to 3457 bulbs, there is no clear winner. A variety of different manufacturers make 3457 bulbs, and each one offers a slightly different lumen output.
However, some of the brightest 3457 bulbs on the market include the SYLVANIA SilverStar Ultra, the PIAA Xtreme White Plus, and the Philips CrystalVision Ultra. These bulbs have lumen outputs of up to 1400, 1350, and 1300 lumens, respectively.
So, what’s the bottom line? If you’re looking for the brightest headlight possible, go with a 3457 bulb. But if you’re looking for something a little less bright, any of the 3157 bulbs will do.
How many watts is a 3157 bulb?
A 3157 bulb is a 26.9-watt bulb. A 3457 bulb is a 36.8-watt bulb. So, if you are looking for a brighter light, go with the 3457. If you are looking to save on energy costs, go with the 3157.
The number of watts affects the brightness of the light. The more watts, the brighter the light. However, this also means that the 3457 bulbs will use more energy than the 3157 bulbs. The problem is that many people who are looking to save energy don’t realize that there is a difference in the number of watts. They just assume that all bulbs are the same.
For the 3457 vs 3157 headlight size comparison, you need to make sure that you are getting the right bulbs. The 3457 bulbs are going to be much brighter than the 3157 bulbs. If you are looking for a brighter light, go with the 3457. However, if you want to save on energy costs, go with the 3157.
How many lumens is a 3157 bulb?
The rated lumens value of the Sylvania Automotive SYLVANIA 3157 Long Life Miniature Bulb, replacement bulb is 402 (A unit of electrical power). Lamps are rated in watts to indicate the rate at which they consume energy.
So, when comparing with 3457, we can see that 3457 has significantly more power and, thus, brightness. This makes it ideal for use in headlights, while 3157 is better suited for taillights. Your headlights would definitely be brighter with 3457s, but the question is whether you really need it. In fact, many motorists find that 3457s are too bright and prefer the more subtle light of 3157s. So, it really depends on your personal preference.
Final verdict: 3457 vs 3157 headlight size
In general, 3457 bulbs are slightly brighter than 3157 bulbs. However, there is no clear winner when it comes to brightness. It really depends on the specific bulb you choose. So, if you’re looking for the brightest headlight possible, go with a 3457 bulb. But if you’re looking for something a little less bright, any of the 3157 bulbs will do.

Headlights are automotive jewelry. Correct fitment coupled with the right choice of technology will turn your vehicle into a shining gem.
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